Distribution function of relaxation times: An alternative to classical methods for evaluating the reaction kinetics of oxygen evolution reaction


Reaction kinetics of RuO2 is precisely evaluated by distribution function of relaxation times (DFRT) model using impedance spectroscopy analysis by genetic programming (ISGP). Effective resistances of the Faradaic processes, measured using Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) at various overpotentials, were determined utilizing DFRT, by separating and associating three electrochemical phenomena occurring during the reaction. The effective resistances are used to generate a Tafel plot of potential as a function of log(1/Reff). The classical method, based on linear sweep voltammetry (LSV), to evaluate the Tafel slope is associated with some considerations for accurate results. For RuO2, a reference catalyst, LSV illustrates an average Tafel slope of 182 ± 8 mV/dec while the effective resistance method, estimated using DFRT, shows an average of 181 ± 3 mV/dec. A relative error of 0.3 % between the two methodologies, and a lower standard deviation for DFRT demonstrate the higher precision and effectiveness of ISGP in determining the reaction kinetics via Tafel slope analysis. Therefore, using DFRT with the ability to separate Faradaic from non-Faradaic processes to evaluate the relevant part of the effective resistance, reaction kinetics can be estimated, avoiding shortcomings of the classical Tafel method.

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